7 Things you need to know about Cancer before going to your Doctor

Take the time to keep yourself informed on things that matter! 

It can be scary to be diagnose with cancer or even to think you might have cancer. But it’s crucial to remember that your doctor is there to help you and that treatments are available. This article will give you seven things you need to know about cancer before heading to your doctor.  

  1. What is cancer?  

Cancer is a disease in which cells in the body grow out of control. Cancer can start almost anywhere in the body. It can spread to other parts of the body as well.  

  1.  Causes Of Cancer  

Oncologists do not always know what causes a particular cancer. However, they may be able to identify some risk factors that may have contributed to the development of cancer.  

  • For example, if a person has a family history of cancer, they may be at an increased risk for developing cancer themselves.  
  • Similarly, people who have engaged in risky behaviors, such as smoking or excessive sun exposure, may also be at an increased risk.  


  1. How does cancer spread?  
  • The most common way is for cancer cells to metastasize or spread through the lymphatic system.   
  • Cancer can also spread through the bloodstream.  
  • Cancer can also spread through direct contact. This happens when cancer cells come into contact with healthy tissue. This can occur during surgery or if cancer cells are present in body fluids like blood or urine.  


  1. Common Symptoms of Cancer  
  • Fatigue  
  • Weight loss   
  • Pain   
  • Changes in appetite or bowel habits    
  • Breast cancer can cause a lump or change in the appearance of the breast  
  • Coughing or shortness of breath  
  • Some types of cancer, such as leukemia, can cause more general symptoms like fever and easy bruising  

 If you have any symptoms that concern you, discuss them with your doctor from a certified cancer care hospital like HCG.   

  1. Different types of cancer  

There are two main types of cancer: malignant and benign. 

  •  Malignant cancer cells are abnormal cells that grow out of control. They can invade other tissues and organs, and they can spread to other parts of the body.  
  • Benign cancer cells are abnormal cells that grow out of control but do not invade other tissues and organs.   


  1. How is cancer diagnosed?  

 Cancer is diagnosed through various tests, including: 

  •  Blood tests can be used to look for specific markers that may indicate the presence of cancer. 
  •  Biopsies involve taking a tissue sample from the suspicious area and testing it for cancer cells 
  •  Imaging tests such as X-rays, CT scans, and MRI scans, can be used to create pictures of the inside of your body. 

 Your doctor will likely order one or more of these tests if they suspect you have cancer.  

  1. Cancer Treatment options  

  Some common treatments for cancer include: 

  • Surgery involves removing the cancerous tissue.   
  • Radiation therapy uses high-energy waves to kill cancer cells.   
  • Chemotherapy uses drugs to kill cancer cells.  

It can also be treated with: 

  • Targeted therapy targets specific genes or proteins that are involved in the growth of cancer cells.   
  • Immunotherapy helps the immune system to fight cancer cells.   
  • Stem cell transplant is a procedure in which healthy stem cells are transplanted into the body to replace damaged or destroyed cells.  


If you or someone you know has been diagnosed with cancer, it’s essential to be as informed as possible before meeting with a doctor and for best treatment visit HCG cancer care hospital. While it’s impossible to know everything about cancer, still know something is better than nothing. By knowing certain things related to cancer, you’ll be better positioned to make decisions about your care and treatment. 

HCG also has the best cancer hospital in Vijayawada with top Oncologists from the country. You can book your appointment to get every information related to Cancer.

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