A 100% Drug Free Hemorrhoids Solution!

Did you know every year 25 Million people in the USA are suffering from Hemorrhoids by age 50?

Top New York Digestive Doctors

Hypnotherapy can provide hemorrhoid sufferers with the fastest natural lasting relief, without the need of expensive painful surgery. Hypnotherapy is known to be a very effective treatment eliminating the need for drugs and the possibility of side effects.

So, why suffer the pain? You can get rid of it with the help of professional applying the right suggestion directly to your subconscious mind, naturally treating that ugly, nasty hemorrhoid effortlessly. Just imagine the power of your subconscious.

Hemorrhoid creams or ointments will relieve the temporary symptoms. However, with hypnotic suggestions the condition where the veins around the anus and rectum are inflamed and swollen will shrink and be eliminated. Thus, freeing the sufferer of the pain, itching, and irritation of the skin area.

Studies show that holistic approaches to all diseases are effective. The reason being, in most cases the symptoms are psychological.

Dr. William B. Salt II, MD, writes in his book, “Your Prescription for Change!” about patients with GI and IBS functional disorders that are related to psychological problems. Psychological stress or emotional response to life influences the GI function by producing GI Symptoms such as pain. One of the main causes occurs when straining while trying to have a bowel movement. Other hemorrhoid causers include constipation and diarrhea. In addition, obesity, standing, and/or lifting too much can make hemorrhoids worse.


A researcher from University of North Carolina believes hypnosis can be less expensive and less painful than other medical treatments, since it is for a long lasting relieve, “No Drugs, No Side effects” solution.

Who Suffers from Hemorrhoids specialist Westbury?

Most pregnant women can suffer from hemorrhoids. Factors like childbirth, extended periods of sitting, lack of fiber, stress, tension and worrying, are all leading contributors.

**You must see a doctor if you notice bleeding to make sure the causes are hemorrhoids, and not some other problem.

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