Author "Troonteetimes" Page

Author Nick: Troonteetimes

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Know about Golf and how to build a golf course

Golf is a sporting activity that involves putting a small ball in a hole through different types of clubs, using the least possible number of strokes. The exit zone is called tee and where the hole is located is called green, a perfectly maintained and mown green area. Golf is a sport that takes place outdoors […]

Learn Something Special in These Vacations

Now that you are sure the whole family will be going on holidays, it is now time to plan out the activities that will make part of the holiday. You are already sure of the sites you will be visiting with the whole family and the family dinners. However, you are aware site seeing will […]

Play golf-game By Learning Some Important Basics

It is a great game with many people involved in playing. However, there are many others who are content with watching. These are the ones who have not yet made up their minds to join the game. They are more content in making comments as they watch the others play. When you have visited a […]

Can anyone play Golf-Game?

This is probably a question that most people ask especially those who are of the opinion that only a certain class of people play the game. There are others who believe that only men play the game. This is probably due to the fact that most of the tournaments that attract publicity are those by […]