Benefits of Personalization for e-Commerce Businesses

Imagine running a small, local, physical store – the type of store that has a limited selection of items for sale, but an unlimited amount of soul and love in it. As the store owner, you would want to know all of your frequent clients in person. You would want to know their names, a little bit about their life story – their family members, their work, and what they’ve been up to – as well as what they like to shop for, and what products to recommend them. But this is not a one-sided preference – your clients would want that as well from the store owner, or you, in this case. Clients love it when they feel like they’re treated personally, when they’re offered with customized promotions and even when they’re being complimented.

How such an obvious human communication principle could help you with your e-Commerce business? Let us introduce you to the world of e-commerce personalization.

What is e-commerce personalization?

E-Commerce personalization refers to the process of creating fully customized experiences on e-Commerce websites in such a way that would serve as the best match according to a specific user. Based on user activity data, the system generates dynamic content, product recommendations, different design and layout modifications and even special offers to immensely increase user engagement across the website and improve conversion rates – that is, the number of sales being made onsite. Besides the immediate effect such special attention has on customers, creating such a unique user experience drives them to come back for more, since they’ve made a special connection with your e-Commerce shop, just like in the opening example.

How can user experience personalization benefit your e-Commerce shop?

1. Customized experiences can help your customer become more decisive. Yes, they’re really into that shirt that you’re selling, but how could they know if it’d fit? Learning their size, body types and their purchasing record could help you match your best insights about each product to help them decide. At the end of the day, selling isn’t everything – you want them to be happy with what they’ve chosen, so that they could come back for more and tell a friend as well.

2. Personal attention gives your customer a warm, cozy feeling that has them coming back. Calling your customer by name, letting them know you think of them by constantly improving your website appearance and content so that they’d be thrilled about it is of high importance. Give them your best promotions, personally relevant discount codes and product recommendations that are going to prove them that you’re thinking of them all the time. In a study made, 60 percent of consumers said they’d love to see even more personalized content.

3. Don’t let them slip away. They tend to abandon the cart? You can predict that the next time around using personalization, and do the right moves to avoid that from happening again. Whether it is layout modifications or a last minute special discount code, an e-commerce or specifically Shopify personalization app can have it figured out and executed easily.

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