Can Testosterone Treatment Help In Problems Such As Erectile Dysfunction?


Erectile dysfunction is the medical condition when a man is not able to get a firm erection during the time of his sexual intercourse. Erectile dysfunction is also termed as impotence and has been often linked to many causes. One of the root causes that has often been bought up as the cause of erectile dysfunction is the low level of testosterone.

Erectile dysfunction Causes

The causes of erectile dysfunction can be rooted down to many causes including both psychological and physical. Once the root cause of erectile dysfunction has been tracked down, doctors can set up the treatment pathway for their patients accordingly. 

  • Physical Causes For Erectile Dysfunction: Erectile dysfunction can have physical causes such as a disease or a disorder. Some of the physical causes of erectile dysfunction can be diabetes, too much or excessive intake of alcohol, high blood pressure, and other such diseases. 

    Studies have even often shown erectile dysfunction or impotence to be a marker for the birth of other diseases in the future such as Diabetes Mellitus or Osteoporosis. Erectile dysfunction can even happen as a side effect of some medication. 

    Click here to read the Science of Erectile Dysfunction. 

  • Psychological Causes: Impotence can also occur due to mental stress. If the cause of erectile dysfunction is mental tension, anxiety, or any other disorder related to mental health, it can be cured permanently. Erectile dysfunction can even happen because of stress. This stress could be both due to work, problems in the relationship, or even personal problems. The could immediately seek out the help os a psychologist so that this medical disorder does not hamper their sexual life.

Erectile Dysfunction Symptoms

Usually, the symptoms of erectile dysfunction can be tracked by a person himself. Not many tests or large screenings are needed to find out if the person is suffering from that particular problem.

The patient should immediately consult a doctor to check and confirm the medical problem. The doctor will prescribe you the right treatment to get you going. Below are some of the signs that you can take note of to confirm if you could be suffering from erectile dysfunction.

  • Having softer erections during the time of sexual intercourse.
  • Not able to keep your erection throughout the sexual intercourse.
  • Not getting a hard erection during the time of intimacy.
  • Having anxiety issues because of not performing well.

Treatments Available For Impotence

Both natural and drug methods are available for erectile dysfunction. Quite many drugs such as Vardenafil, Vilitra, Sildenafil Citrate, and other drugs are available for the treatment of erectile dysfunction in the body. 

Natural methods might require you to go for therapies like acupuncture or have some changes in your daily lifestyle. 

Relation Between The Erectile dysfunction and Testosterone

Erections and the testosterone have both a direct and an indirect link. The relation can sometimes be quite complex for the patients to understand. 

There can be cases that the man could have normal erections despite having a low amount of testosterone in their body. But a low amount of testosterone has often been linked and mapped to chronic illness or diseases such as diabetes mellitus, cardiovascular problems, and many such conditions. 

How Helpful Is Testosterone Treatment

The testosterone therapy or the Testosterone replacement therapy helps you to get the normal testosterone level. The testosterone replacement therapy or the TRT does not ensure you that your problem of erectile dysfunction will be solved. The cause of the problem will have to be tracked down. 

In a man with an adequate level of testosterone, the testosterone replacement theory is not helpful. The replacement theory better helps the users or is participants to get the needed stimulation or the sexual drive more than resolving the erectile dysfunction. Drugs can be given for therapy which helps the person.

Most of these erectile dysfunction drugs have phosphodiesterase inhibitors or PDE-5. Some of these drugs are:

  • Tadalafil 
  • Sildenafil Citrate
  • Vardenafil
  • Avanafil

Also Check: Cenforce 200mg, Vidalista 60mg for erectile dysfunction. 

Man improvements for erection have been reported after the use of the above drugs. These drugs help to relax the muscles of the penile region and help the drugs to flow smoothly. For those who undergo testosterone therapy, the therapy has also helped these men get back their libido.

The drug has helped to get over the risk of diabetes and also helps to reduce the fat around the belly, slowly eliminating the obesity in the body. 

Studies have shown that testosterone therapy is not the therapy your body needs for erectile dysfunction (especially when you have a normal level of testosterone in your body). Erectile dysfunction can also have other causes.

Risk Factors Of Testosterone Therapy

Going for testosterone therapy can harm your body. Studies have shown that the following risk may occur when a person undergoes for the treatment therapy of testosterone:

  • Can cause acne
  • Enlarged breasts
  • Infertility 
  • Elevation in the number of red blood cells
  • Risk of cardiovascular disease
  • Sleep apnea
  • Risk of prostate cancer

Also, testosterone therapy is quite costly. 

Management Of The Erectile Dysfunction

  • Try to find out the medical cause and then go for the treatment plan.
  • Check with your doctor for the medication you are currently taking. Some of them have impotence as a side effect
  • Try to make a change in your lifestyle
  • Get help from a psychologist. 
  • Try to take less amount of alcohol
  • Try medicines such as Viagra or Cialis (tadalafil) to boost your erections.
  • Avoid smoking entirely. 


Also Check: Cenforce 200mg, Vidalista 60mg for erectile dysfunction.

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