Four Common Communication Surveillance Challenges And How To Tackle Them

Effective communication is one of the most crucial aspects that helps to run a sustainable business. Communication surveillance entails third-party monitoring, interception, preservation and retention of vital information conveyed using various communication channels and networks. The third party could be anyone, including intelligence agencies, law enforcement, private organisation, etc. Let’s delve deeper into the four mainstream communication surveillance challenges and ways to tackle them effectively.

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Top 4 communication surveillance challenges

Here are some common challenges in the field of communication surveillance.

1. Adapting to new communication technology

As technology evolves, it also alleviates our communication experience and provides better ways to communicate digitally. This poses a real challenge for communication surveillance teams that monitor employee communications across platforms and devices. Employees within an organisation use multiple communication apps and channels, including SMS, WhatsApp, Skype, Slack, etc.

This makes it difficult for surveillance teams to monitor and keep track of potentially harmful communication. One of the easiest ways to overcome this challenge for surveillance teams is to have a single repository for a wide range of contacts that might take place. This will help to gather all communication data in one place in real time.

2. Foreign language barrier

Another critical challenge that the communication surveillance teams has to face is interpreting foreign language communication. In a hyper globalised world, companies have presence across multiple continents and geographies. This creates a new challenge for surveillance teams to monitor and interpret communication in different languages.

Suppose you have a surveillance team in the US whose native language is English; it would be challenging for them to monitor and understand a Japanese or Spanish conversation. A pragmatic solution for this challenge is to hire a language translation vendor or employ effective technology to bridge this gap. This will make the work process more efficient and reduce the probability of random errors.

3. Reviewing audio recordings

Your communication surveillance team can easily monitor, interpret and oversee text communication. However, audio recordings could be tough to crack in terms of surveillance, since the amount of information shared is immense, even if short in duration. An effective way to overcome this roadblock is to transcribe files and categorise them into an automated system.

4. Sentiment analysis

Interpreting communication can be subjective, as different people might interpret the same communication differently. What adds to this challenge is understanding the tone, context and sentiment of the communicator. Companies can create and leverage machine learning and deep learning algorithms to overcome this challenge using their historical data.


Effective communication surveillance is among the key responsibilities of compliance teams in a corporation. In the modern digital age, it goes way beyond just noise cutting and reducing false positives. It requires comprehensive understanding of industries, technology and local and global restrictions.

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