Get a Rounder, Fuller Derriere by Undergoing Brazilian Butt Lift

Brazilian butt lift (BBL) is a popular cosmetic surgical procedure that helps women achieve a rounder, fuller derriere. According to a report from the Aesthetic Society, in 2020 alone, about 40,320 buttock augmentations were performed. According to Google keyword data, “BBL” was searched roughly 200,000 times per month between January and May 2021. This buttock augmentation procedure involves taking fat from one part of the body and injecting it into the buttocks. Brazilian Butt lift Manhattan is a minimally invasive procedure performed using local anesthesia.

The Procedure

BBL is a combination of liposuction and fat grafting. The patient is first administrated local anesthesia. Fat is removed using liposuction from body parts that have excess fat such as the waist, hips, lower back, thighs, flanks, and so on. The extracted fat is purified and then injected into the buttocks. Depending on the extent of enhancement required, the injections are done at different depths and on different parts of the body. For successful buttock augmentation, removing fat all around the periphery of the buttocks is equally important as it makes your waist look smaller and better. Buttock augmentation wit fat transfer can create a beautiful S-curve. Achieving the right balance between fat removal and fat transfer is the key to a successful procedure.

This advantages of BBL are:

  • Improves buttocks contour and provides a fuller appearance
  • Corrects a drooping butt
  • Enhances flat buttocks
  • Tightens and makes your waist slimmer and improves your figure

Preparing for the procedure

  • Avoid smoking for at least four weeks prior to surgery.
  • For the time advised, avoid taking certain medications and herbal supplements like nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, and vitamin E that may thin your blood.
  • Do not eat or drink anything after midnight on the eve of the surgery.
  • Arrange for someone to drive you home and also to stay with you for a few days after the surgery.
  • Get ready for recovery – stock your pantry, keep comfortable/loose-fitting clothing ready, etc.

After the Surgery

There may be slight bruising and scars but these side effects will fade within a few weeks. Light walking may be helpful 3 to 4 days post-op, but avoid lifting heavy things or do any vigorous activities for a few days. You can gently massage the areas where liposuction was performed.  Follow your surgeon’s advice on post-op management.

The recovery period for BBL performed using local anesthesia is shorter than for traditional buttock augmentation. Advanced energy assisted liposuction allows for smooth and easy fat extraction with minimal bruising and less trauma.

Brazilian Butt Lift in Manhattan is the right option for women who

  • Want buttock augmentation without implants
  • Have good skin in the hips and buttock area
  • Have enough fat for extraction in areas like the abdomen, thighs, and flanks
  • Are willing to avoid sitting on the buttocks till healing is complete

If you are looking to get a Brazilian butt lift in Manhattan, schedule a consultation with an experienced plastic surgeon. The surgeon’s experience and skills are crucial to obtain optimal results.  

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