How To Choose The Best Shrooms Online

Buying anything from online shops is the most convenient way of shopping nowadays. Most stores go online now and they have set up their online store. Through this, they were able to reach more customers especially those who do not have much time in going to stores because. Some people are too busy with work and they experience difficulty in organizing their time. They prefer to go online shopping.

Shrooms are also available online. Some users find it difficult to buy magic mushrooms. They are also not sure of where to go and whom they will ask for help in acquiring this magic mushroom. There are places where there are backyard farming of shrooms. The only disadvantage of backyard sellers is that you may not be sure of what you are getting. Some may just be selling shrooms that are not properly grown. But when you go to legit sellers, you will be sure of the items that you will get.

Here are some tips for choosing your shrooms online?

Determine the strain of the mushroom

The most common species of magic mushroom is the psilocybe cubensis. You can find a wide range of different strains growing in the wild and in indoor. The strength and levels differ in strains. Some people would opt for Blue Meanies because according to their experience, this specific mushroom gives you happy feelings and undoubtedly a lot of laughs.

For those who want to experience the warmest visual and spiritual trips, they should seek for B+ magic mushroom.


Familiarize the Trip Experience

You need to decide which trip you would like to experience. But before you can identify one, you should get familiar with the different trips. There are 5 levels of trips depending on the dosage.

Level 1 – Microdose (0.05-0.25 g): characterized as mind and gentle. This enhances your mood and increases your overall energy.

Level 2 – Mini-dose (0.25-0.75 g): characterized as increased flow states. It helps for clearer and more connected thinking. This also enhances senses and increases motivation.

Level 3 – Museum dose (0.5-1.5 g): Great for mood enhancement. It has mild to moderate visual impact. Great for

introspection, altered perception, and increased sensitivity to light.

Level 4 – Moderate dose (2-3.5 g): This is known to be good as life-changing introspective or philosophical insights, finding otherwise mundane things funny or interesting, synesthesia.

Level 5 – Megadose (5+ g): This gives you strong hallucinations. It could make help you achieve mystical experience and intense feelings of wonder. Helps in dealing with the complete loss of reality, logic, and ego, merging with the environment.

You must know the level of dosage as it might interfere with your health status. Especially if you have a current illness, you may consult first your physician before using the product.

Do you have magic mushroom experience?

If you have tried magic mushrooms before, you may want to consider your experience before buying shrooms online. But if you are still a beginner, taking a risk in online stores would be helpful.

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