How to Disable Firewall on Windows XP and Mac


Method 1. Windows XP

  1. Press Start. A user has to press this icon below-left corner of the screen. It will launch the Start list.
  2. Users have to keep their mouse cursor over the below-left corner to prompt the button to be visible.
  3. The user can also click the Window key to launch the Start menu.
  4. Press Run. At the right side of the Start pop-up window, a user can find this option.
  5. Enter firewall.cpl in the “Run” text field. The user can open the firewall setting directly.
  6. Press ok. This option will run the above command and launch firewall settings.
  7. Press the “Off (not recommended)” box. A user can find it below the page.
  8. If a user can’t locate this option, then press the General button at the top of the page.
  9. Press Ok. It will save the user’s changes and disable his or her computer’s firewall.

Method 2. MacOS

  1. Launch the Apple menu. At the top-left corner of the MacOS screen, the user can find an apple-shaped icon.
  2. Press System Preferences. At the below-down menu, the user can find this option.
  3. Press Security. The user can find this option in the top of an icon in the System Preferences operating system.
  4. Important: Quiet old version of Mac, the same above option will be Security & Privacy.
  5. Click Firewall. The user can find the button on top of the “Security” window.
  6. Press the lock icon. The user can find this icon at the below-left corner of the operating system.
  7. Enter the administrator password. It will allow the user to make changes to the menu.
  8. Press Turn Off Firewall. The user can see this tab in the middle of the web page.
  9. If the user finds Turn On Firewall here, then the user’s Mac’s firewall is already off.
  10. Press the lock icon again. It will save, and password will protect changes made by users.

Charlie Noah is a Microsoft Office expert and has been working in the technical industry since 2002. As a technical expert, David Smith has written technical blogs, manuals, white papers, and reviews for many websites such as


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