How to Find Trademark Registration Number ?

Need to find your trademark registration number? This step-by-step guide will show you how to find the trademark registration number quickly.


When you file a trademark application in the Trademark Office, an application number is issued to the applicant.

This application number serves as the trademark registration number.

To, check it you can  follow these easy-to-do steps:

First, of all open the IP India website.

Go to the related links tab, under the trademarks section.

Then, click on trademark status.

Next, you will be redirected to E-register main page.

There you have to select the trademark Application/Registered mark option.

When you do that, then you have to select the National/IRDI number option.

After, that enter the National/IRDI number and the code given below.

Click on the Application number on the left.

And there you are, View all the details of the Trademark application number.

Don’t worry, these may seem to be a lot of tasks but, when you will start doing them you will find them so simple.

You can talk to our experts, in case you need help with your registration, Schedule a free consultation now.

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