Salesforce Einstein – Put the Pro in Profile with profile-specific Search Results Layouts (Beta)

Boost Productivity with Personalized Search Results (Beta)

Want to find stuff faster with search results that are tailored to the unique way you work in Salesforce online training, Search personalization is here. It helps you cut through the clutter with search results based on what’s most important to you, including geographical locations, industries, statuses, product areas, and people.


Break Open the Search Box with Enhanced Instant Results (Beta)

Enhanced instant results turn the global search box into a supercharged productivity hub. Click in the search box to instantly access record previews, page-level record actions, related list quick links, and suggested searches.

Create Instant Reports with All the Right Filters with Conversational Search (Beta)

Can’t find a report or don’t have time to create one? Conversational search gives you instant access to important data by turning your search terms into record filters. Just enter search terms the way you start a conversation. For example, enter “my closed cases this month” to see a list of your recent cases with a closed status.

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Find the Right Record Faster with Recommended Result (Beta)

Recommended Result gets you to the right record faster when we’re confident we know what you’re looking for. It’s like putting purple stripes on your luggage at the airport carousel to make sure it stands out from the crowd.

Put the Pro in Profile with profile-specific Search Results Layouts (Beta)

Search results should show what matters most. If you’re in sales, knowing the account owner and the industry is critical. If you’re a service rep, the account’s support level is key information. With profile-specific layouts, you’ll fine-tune search results layouts for an object for every unique profile in your org. Profile-specific layouts are supported only by objects with customizable layouts. Users who don’t have a profile-specific layout assigned to them see the default search results layout.


Einstein Forecasting:

Support for Quarterly Forecasting (Generally Available)

If you use a quarterly forecasting schedule, you can now use the power of Einstein to improve forecasting accuracy, predict results, and track how sales teams are doing.

Einstein Lead Scoring:

Control Which Leads to Score Does your sales team need lead scores for only some leads? Tell Einstein to attain only leads that contain certain values in lead fields. For example, if your sales team wants to score only leads from the communications industry, tell Einstein to include only those leads.

Einstein Automated Contacts:

See Only the Contact Data You Have Access To Opportunity Contact Role suggestions now respect the field-level security from the Contact object. Sales reps without access to contact fields, such as Email, Title, or Phone, no longer see those fields in the Einstein component or list views. Also, reps don’t see contact field values for contact records they don’t have access to. Lastly, when viewing the detail page for Opportunity Contact Role suggestions, contact fields don’t appear. To see the contact fields, navigate to the contact record.

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Einstein Activity Capture: Decide What to Capture and Sync

Get more control over whose email data is captured. Use the Excluded Addresses list to prevent data from syncing. Plus, let reps sync event series.

Add Opportunity Scores to Standard Reports

Use standard reports to analyze opportunities based on opportunity scores. Previously, you’ll use opportunity scores with only custom report types.

Add Model Factors to Opportunity Custom Report Types

Get a clearer picture of what drives your opportunity scores. The factors used to create the opportunity scoring model are now available in custom report types.

Use SOAP API to Access Information About the Opportunity Scoring Model

We introduced two new objects for Einstein Opportunity Scoring. Use the SalesAIScoreCycle and SalesAIScoreModelFactors objects to retrieve information about opportunity scores and their factors.


Help Your Agents Resolve Cases Faster with Einstein Article Recommendations (Pilot)

Einstein Article Recommendations uses data from past cases to identify Knowledge articles that are most likely to help your agents address customer inquiries.

Automatically End Bot Chats

Build bots that clean up after themselves! Use an End Chat rule action to add conditions that help the bot sense the natural end of a conversation and automatically close the session on behalf of the visitor.

Connect Your Bots to Third-Party NLPs (Pilot)

Bring your own natural language processor (NLP) into Einstein Bots to create a multilanguage experience or to tie into your existing systems. Intents and utterance data are passed through Apex to the processor of your choice. A two-way system connects your NLP to Einstein via an Apex template, so customer inputs are sent from your Einstein bot to your provider. The bot also can receive intent and entity information from your third-party provider to use conversation routing.

Improve Bot Handoffs by Confirming Agent Availability

Bots and agents work better together, and we’ve made transfers even smarter by checking the availability of agents before a transfer takes place. Define custom messaging to keep the customer informed as to the status of the transfer.

Improve Your Skills with the Bots Setup Help Carousel

Get the foremost helpful Einstein Bot content at your fingertips with a carousel on the Setup screen. Get access to bot recipes, troubleshooting tips, and best practices.

Einstein Bots: Other Bot Updates

Learn about other changes to Einstein Bots.

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