Smart Building Trends You Can’t Afford To Ignore


In just a few years, smart buildings have gone from a futuristic vision to the norm. With tech-savvy citizens expecting everything to work seamlessly and consistently across all mediums, businesses and governments alike have been scrambling to figure out how to keep up with all the changes. One such change is smart building trends, which further blur the lines between physical and digital spaces and give every person complete access to information and resources no matter where they are or what they’re doing. Let’s take a look at these smart buildings trends, shall we?

Artificial Intelligence

By 2022, 50% of new commercial buildings will be equipped with artificial intelligence (AI)-enabled security systems. That same year, the global AI in buildings market is expected to reach $2.9 billion. These features are becoming increasingly popular in building automation system because they allow companies to manage their security more efficiently and save on costs like labour. However, privacy advocates have voiced concerns that this technology could lead to super surveillances.

Internet of Things

The Internet of Things (IoT) is a network of physical objects that are connected to the internet. These objects can collect and share data about themselves and their surroundings. The IoT is expected to have a huge impact on the way we live and work, and it’s already starting to change the way we manage buildings. Buildings will be equipped with sensors that track energy usage, water flow, waste disposal and more. Sensors will also enable them to react automatically to changing conditions such as extreme weather events or power outages. Buildings will increasingly use artificial intelligence (AI) to optimise resources so they can be used more efficiently while cutting costs at the same time.

Intelligent Parking

The parking industry is expected to see a major change in the next few years as the demand for intelligent parking solutions grows. With the advent of this new technology and changes in consumer habits, there will be an increased need for automated parking spaces that can park and retrieve cars autonomously at various levels of demand.

Increase in Cybersecurity

There’s no doubt that cyber security is a hot topic in the world of smart buildings. As more and more devices are connected to the internet, the risk of cyber-attacks increases. That’s why it’s important to be aware of the latest trends in cyber security so you can protect your building from potential threats.

Predictive Maintenance

The Internet of Things (IoT) is one of the hottest topics in the tech world, and it’s only going to become more important in the coming years. One of the most exciting applications of IoT is in the area of predictive maintenance. Predictive maintenance is a way of using data collected by sensors to identify potential problems before they occur. This can help reduce downtime, increase efficiency, and save money.

There will be an increased use of new sensors that collect information from machines in order to analyse their performance. Increased access to better data analytics will allow engineers to spot errors or issues earlier on and provide recommendations for how best to fix them.

Smart buildings are on the rise for good reasons. A smart building can increase user experience, reduce energy costs, boost productivity, and reduce carbon emissions. If you haven’t considered building automation, now is the right time.

The author is a blogger and helps to create intelligent environments. He specialises in designing and creating innovative smart buildings. Visit for more details.

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