What are the 6 Impressive Health Benefits of Nigella Sativa?

Seeds of blessing-Black cumin also known by the names black caraway, Roman coriander, kalonji as populated from time to time amongst various cultures or Nigella sativa amongst people of the scientific community belong to ranunculus family of plants. Believed not just to be an important element of delightful and plentiful spices range known to humans, black cumin seed also is a potent healing herb that has benefited humankind for centuries now and continue to do so. So without any further ado, let us shed some light on 6 Nigella Sativa health benefits backed by science which you just cannot ignore-

Jam-packed with antioxidants!
Oxygen kills! That’s right. The oxidation due to free oxygen radical destroys cells in the human body which is precisely known as the aging of cells. This process of oxidation is inescapable but what we can do is slow it down for living a healthy life. Nigella sativa is packed with antioxidants. These antioxidants, in primary studies, have shown to prevent malign conditions like cancer, diabetes, heart ailments and obesity spread in the body. In fact, organic Nigella sativa oil, U.K has shown significantly high antioxidant content which can possibly lead to the prevention of diseases all together rather than cure.

Bacterial killer!
Ranging from simple skin infections to more serious pneumonia, bacterial infection has affected every one of us at some point in time. To address this issue, the medical properties of Nigella Sativa were harnessed and results were promising. Plenty of studies showed that a number of bacterial strains were either killed off by Nigella sativa or it acted as a growth inhibitor. Though human studies are limited, yet the very prospect of a plant fighting off diseases is fascinating enough to consider this herb mother-nature’s own miracle.

Fortify your liver
A strong liver means a strong body. A vital organ with cleans up the toxins and processes nutrients, recent studies have shown that Nigella sativa has proven to be quite effective while not just protecting the liver against induced damage but also prevent the damage in the first place. Moreover, the antioxidant property of this herb helps it to reduce inflammation and oxidative stress on the liver keeping it in the most hale of state.

Boost your libido!
An interesting kalonji benefit for a male that has been backed by modern studies is that it helps in boosting testosterone levels, sperm count and libido. Used in ancient times to cure sexual disorders, Nigella sativa looks like a promising venture for addressing sexual disorders in modern times of tension and unrelenting pressure.

Watch those pounds!
A modern-day epidemic of sorts which is generally overlooked because of not so malicious manifestation, overweight and obesity is the main reason for some of the more serious diseases which can house a human body and practically eat it away. By regulating the insulin level and balancing out the hormonal balance, black cumin can help in promoting weight regulation so that you can keep those extra inches off your waist in the most natural possible way.

Mane talks!
Who doesn’t love a thick mane of his or her head! Luscious strands swaying with a waft of the air; healthy hair not only enhances the aesthetics of a person but also instills confidence. For using black cumin as a hair growth booster, once you can buy trusted cumin oil from the market and simply rub it on a scalp and let it sit there for 1-2 hours for maximum absorption or even consume its oil in capsule form for experience significant hair growth and improved hair health.

And that is not all. Black cumin seeds are believed to be a natural pain reliever, blood sugar-regulating agent as well as a remedy for preventing stomach ulcers with the help of naturally occurring chemicals. That being said, the purpose of introducing black cumin seed/cumin seed oil in your daily routine will be rendered useless unless it is procured from trusted sellers which offer the product with a label that defines the entirety of the product without trying to sweep things under the carpet. 100% organic, cold-pressed, single-sourced, chemical-free; you just have to be well-aware of what is in the bottle/capsule. Be smart and buy from the best before adapting the seeds of blessings into your lifestyle and you will be able to relish its benefits without any reservations or apprehensions.

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