What You Need to Know About Secure CDN Solutions

What is a secure CDN? A secured CDN (content delivery network) is a method for delivering dynamic web content. In other words, the content delivered over a secured CDN is encrypted and protected by SSL/TLS so that it can only be accessed by users that have been granted authorization by the user. When compared to the standard HTTP protocol, a secure CDN has many advantages: It increases bandwidth usage since all data is delivered via secured servers, making the network used to look more efficient and faster.

Secured CDN allows you to gain maximum advantage from your online business. With a secured CDN, e-commerce websites are provided with better performance and added functionality through greater efficiency. As you know, a website’s performance depends on its content delivery network. When accessing websites using the Internet, every page gets transmitted to the webserver. With a traditional Internet connection, this procedure is quite slow and bandwidth usage is greatly affected.

For e-commerce, security is an important factor and a secure CDN improves this aspect by reducing the bandwidth requirements, increasing usability, and decreasing security threats. Through the improvement of web security, users will enjoy several benefits. Some of these include improved security against DDoS (dropshipping attacks), improving content delivery network (CFDN) performance, preventing spoofing attacks, preventing hacking attempts, reducing bandwidth usage, and reducing cost.

When comparing a traditional Internet service (IIS) against a secured CDN, the security features of the latter are impressive. It offers a higher level of security through enhanced algorithms, better deployment of security controls, and greater use of cryptographic algorithms to avoid network attacks. Moreover, a CCDN offers a higher level of privacy through its use of IP addresses which can be static or dynamic. By blocking attackers’ access to IP addresses, you are able to protect sensitive information and prevent data loss.

Unlike an IIS or SIP-based system, a CCDN does not use a dedicated firewall. A firewall enables you to filter packets before they reach the edge. However, many attacks make it possible for attackers to bypass the filtering capability of a firewall. In such cases, they may then proceed to the CCDN layer where they may attempt to exploit the user’s IP address, the quality of the service, and the content delivery network (CDN). A well-designed security system will detect such attacks and block them before they cause any damage.

Apart, from firewall protection, other important features that a CCDN offers include IP locking and STUN/SNMP locking. With IP locking, a user is prevented from accessing a site whose address is used by a known virus. STUN, on the other hand, enables a user to establish a connection to a remote site only when he/she is authorized by the origin server. This ensures that during a Dos attack, the victim is not able to access the internet.

The fact that a CCDN offers superior security features over a traditional ISP-based system is the reason why more enterprises are choosing this option. Compared to a conventional ISP, a CCDN offers greater functionality. For instance, most CCDN providers can guarantee secure sockets layer (SSL) certificates and secure content delivery protocol (CPC) security. If an SSL certificate is compromised, a Dos attacker will be unable to read the file.

Apart from providing enhanced security, a CCDN also provides improved performance. Because the system is hosted by a third-party provider, it does not require configuration to adjust to a particular system’s needs. A small number of server processes are also required in order to operate efficiently. Apart from these benefits, a CCDN can also offer greater reliability. It is unlikely that a system’s reliability will be impaired by the routing configuration of the origin server.

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